Les Forces Progressistes du Changement (FPC) Mauritanie

Don des medicaments,des FPC-Sisters/fedèration USA, å la fedèration des FPC- Mauritanie

Image may contain: 1 personDon des medicaments,des FPC-Sisters/fedèration USA, å la fedèration des FPC- Mauritanie.
Les Fpc c ‘est la politique autrement!
Une autre Mauritanie est possible!

Gift of over the counter medication given to the Maurtanian FPC federation from the FPC- SISTERS
#politics done differently
#Another Mauritania is possible



Image may contain: indoor

Image may contain: 1 person, eating, sitting, hat, food and indoor











Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and indoorImage may contain: 1 person

Image may contain: 2 peopleImage may contain: 1 person, sitting

